Sound & Groove: "California On My Mind" Part 2
The royal couple of country music throughout (and even after) their marriage, George Jones and Tammy Wynette had a tumultuous relationship marked by an intense love that was marred by Jones's frequent serious bouts of alcoholism. They had their union play out on the stage and on record as well, where several of their duet album and single releases become C&W chart smashes. Even a divorce in 1976 didn't stop their collaborations entirely. One of their signature hits together is featured on this 2nd episode of S&G's "California On My Mind" theme.
This is the 2nd official podcast episode of 2019 here on the Sound & Groove Podcast. This is the 2nd in a 2-part theme on songs about California. It could be about somewhere, something or some aspect of the Golden Coast state but whatever the case, I've chosen the best for these 2 episodes. It's all fair game for another series of tremendous tunes you'll hopefully enjoy.
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